- 000 01228m0 220000277 45450
- 010 __ |a 978-7-5225-1088-0 |d CNY49.80
- 100 __ |a 20230309d2022 em y0chiy50 ea
- 200 1_ |a 自律,一种可以养成的习惯 |A zi lv,yi zhong ke yi yang cheng de xi guan |d The science of self-discipline |e the willpower, mental toughness, and self-control to resist temptation and achieve your goals |f (英)彼得·霍林斯(Peter Hollins)著 |g 鲁申昊译 |z eng
- 210 __ |a 北京 |c 九州出版社 |d 2022
- 330 __ |a 本书作者以神经科学为依据,教你激活自己的行动力,提升专注力和意志力,营造自律环境,并最终养成自律的习惯。自律不是成功者的专利,只要科学地努力,你就能终结倦怠,成为人生的实际掌控者。
- 510 1_ |a Science of self-discipline |e the willpower, mental toughness, and self-control to resist temptation and achieve your goals |z eng
- 606 0_ |a 自律 |A Zi Lv |j 通俗读物
- 701 _0 |c (英) |a 霍林斯 |A huo lin si |c (Hollins, Peter) |4 著
- 702 _0 |a 鲁申昊 |A lu shen hao |4 译
- 801 _0 |a CN |b 91MARC |c 20230311